News & Blog


Workload, Other Higher Ed Items Get Their Own Bill

Kasich’s MBR Split Into 11 Separate Bills

As we reported last week, Gov. John Kasich unveiled House Bill 472, the mid-biennium review (MBR) bill.   Because this MBR contains many funding and policy changes far beyond the normal tweaking of an MBR, House leadership decided to split the legislation into 11 separate bills. Each bill pertains to a specific subject area and will be referred to the appropriate committees.  Higher education components are now contained within House Bill 484, which is sponsored by Rep. Cliff Rosenberger (R-Clarksville) and Rep. Tim Brown (R-Bowling Green).  

HB 484 goes beyond what was in the MBR omnibus bill, though. In addition to asking universities to report on and increase faculty workload, the legislation contains provisions that would:

  • Repeal enrollment limits at Bowling Green, Kent State, Miami, Ohio University, and Ohio State;
  • Create a revised funding formula for community and technical colleges – one that would award funds proportionally to schools based upon performance;
  • Allow community and technical colleges to establish a “tuition guarantee program;”
  • Establish a course and program sharing network for the University System of Ohio.

To see the Legislative Service Commission’s full bill analysis, click here.

Again, we will keep you apprised of developments as this bill goes through the legislative process.

Congratulations to the OCAAUP Board of Trustees Election Winners

The voting period for the Ohio Conference Board of Trustees elections ended on Monday, March 17. Congratulations to our elected officers and at-large members!  

President: John T. McNay (University of Cincinnati-Blue Ash)

Vice President: Martin Kich (Wright State University-Lake Campus)  

Secretary: Ryan Shadle (Cincinnati State Technical and Community College)  

Treasurer: Heather Howley (University of Akron-Wayne College)  

At-Large Member – Private Institutions: Juan Santamarina (University of Dayton)  

At-Large Member – Public or Private: Anita Waters (Denison University)

Don’t Miss Out on the OCAAUP Annual Meeting!

The 2014 Ohio Conference AAUP Annual Meeting will be held in conjunction with the Collective Bargaining Congress (CBC) Midwest Regional Meeting, Friday, April 11 through Saturday, April 12 at the Renaissance Columbus Downtown Hotel.  

The Friday evening dinner will feature a provocative presentation by One Ohio Now’s director Gavin DeVore Leonard on tax policy in Ohio and how it’s impacting higher education funding.  Professor Chad Hanson of Casper College in Wyoming will deliver the Saturday luncheon talk, entitled “Talking Higher Education: Metaphors That We Live By.”    

In addition, National AAUP Senior Legal Counsel Aaron Nissenson will provide an update on recent legal cases impacting academia. There also will be a “Midwest Government Relations Round-Up” highlighting legislative activity in Midwestern states.Moreover, the Saturday afternoon workshops include:

1) For God’s Sake Shut Up: A Professor’s Guide to Working with the Media

2) Building Advocacy Chapters, General Best Practices, and Attracting and Engaging Faculty of Color 

3) Battling Right-to-Work: A Messaging Workshop

4) Building Effective Contract Campaigns

Below are details for meeting registration and hotel reservations:  An online registration has been set-up by National AAUP, which you can access by clicking here. Registration is only $25.

The hotel reservation deadline to receive the special, reduced rate has passed. However, you can still make a reservation at the Renaissance Columbus Downtown.

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