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We endorse Cordray/Sutton

OCAAUP Endorses Cordray/Sutton


The Ohio Conference AAUP Board of Trustees has endorsed Richard Cordray and Betty Sutton for Ohio governor and lieutenant governor. We urge our fellow members to cast their votes for them and engage in other activities that support their candidacy, such as canvassing, making monetary donations (see last article for information about how to make a “free” political donation to their campaign), phone banking, etc.

This is the first endorsement of a statewide candidate that the Board has made. The decision was made at our September 8 Board meeting, at which Betty Sutton appeared and addressed our group.
Given Cordray’s and Sutton’s strong support of organized labor, as well as Mike DeWine and Jon Husted’s record of supporting measures like Senate Bill 5 from 2011 and other anti-union legislation, we believe it is critical to get off the sidelines and actively support candidates that will be positive for labor and higher education policies.

Labor and public higher education have suffered tremendously under the leadership of John Kasich and a right-wing General Assembly for the last eight years. We cannot afford another four to eight years of more of the same, if not worse.

Election Day is Tuesday, November 6, but you can request that an absentee ballot be sent to your home or vote in-person at your county’s designated early voting site.
John McNayPresident, OCAAUP

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