News & Blog


“Right-to-Work” Won’t Be on November Ballot, Could Pass During Lame Duck

“Right-to-Work” Won’t Be on November Ballot

Supporters of a “right-to-work” constitutional amendment missed the July 2 deadline to submit the approximately 385,000 signatures from registered Ohio voters in order for the amendment to appear on this November’s ballot.
The Tea Party coalition that spearheaded the effort reportedly came under heavy pressure from the Republican Party to stop pursuing the amendment, at least for this year. Republicans feared that the amendment could lead to a heavier turnout of labor and Democrats, thus hurting their chances for reelection.

Gov. John Kasich and Republican legislative leadership have tried to dodge questions about pursuing “right-to-work,” saying it’s “not on the agenda.” The governors of Indiana and Michigan said similar things before the time was ripe to shove the anti-union policy through their legislatures.

It is possible, perhaps even probable, that the Republicans will pass “right-to-work” legislation after the elections, during lame duck session. If that happens, We Are Ohio will begin a campaign to exercise the citizens’ veto option just as we did with Senate Bill 5.

More information on “right-to-work” can be found here on our website:

Save the Date for the 2015 OCAAUP Annual Meeting

The next Ohio Conference AAUP Annual Meeting will be held Friday, November 6 – Saturday, November 7, 2015 at the Renaissance Columbus Downtown. 

For many years, the Annual Meeting had been hosted the second weekend of April, but due to many other meetings being held around that time, in addition to other considerations, the Conference Board of Trustees have decided to move it to November.

Please mark your calendars!

Make a “Free” Contribution to Your Favorite State Candidate

Did you know that in Ohio you can receive a dollar for dollar tax credit up to $100 for a contribution made to a state candidate?
Pursuant to Ohio Revised Code 5747.29, a taxpayer filing as an individual can claim a tax credit of up to $50 for contributions made to state candidates, while taxpayers filing jointly can claim a credit up to $100.
It’s like giving away free money!

A state candidate is any candidate who is running for a statewide office (e.g. Governor, Secretary of State, Attorney General, Treasurer, Auditor), as well as anyone running for the Ohio General Assembly.

Over the past four years, we have seen an unprecedented attack on collective bargaining rights and voting rights, more reductions in higher education spending, and specific attacks on faculty working conditions. We cannot afford to sit out this election.

So in addition to making sure you’re registered to vote at your current address, please consider making contributions to candidates you support and know will support you in your profession and everyday life.

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