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OCAAUP Under the AAUP-AFT Agreement

On March 7, National AAUP sent information to all members regarding the tentative agreement that they have reached with the American Federation of Teachers (AFT). The agreement represents months of negotiations to establish a closer working relationship with the AFT. The AAUP already has been involved in joint unionizing campaigns with the AFT for many years.

To read the full text of the agreement, an overview, as well as FAQs and relevant financial information, visit: You will need your member log-in information to view that page.

Under the proposed agreement, which must be ratified by delegates at the National AAUP Biennial Meeting in June in order to take effect, the Ohio Conference AAUP will remain as is. This is different from other states, where chapters will become members of the AFT state federation.

Here is what the overview document says about OCAAUP:

  • All existing AAUP chapters in Ohio will retain their current state conference, and will not become part of the Ohio Federation of Teachers. The Ohio Conference of the AAUP and the OFT reserve the right to discuss a potential merger in the future.
  • The OCAAUP and OFT will develop a shared services model, including but not limited to a fee-for-service arrangement between the two entities.
  • The AAUP and the AFT commit to joint funding for a shared political organizing program in Ohio.
  • Where possible, AFT and AAUP affiliates in Ohio will coordinate their statewide political endorsements.

Ohio collective bargaining chapters will continue to pay dues to the State Conference and do not have to pay anything separate to the OFT. Advocacy members also will continue to be part of OCAAUP. Any changes to the relationship between OCAAUP and OFT will have to be negotiated between and agreed to by both organizations.

For many years, OCAAUP and OFT have worked together on state lobbying efforts, and we look forward to continuing working even more closely together in the future should this agreement be ratified in June.

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