American Association of University Professors
The OCAAUP nominating committee is pleased to announce the following candidates for the 2014 elections to the Board of Trustees: President: John T. McNay (University of Cincinnati-Blue Ash)
Vice President: Martin Kich (Wright State University-Lake Campus)
Secretary: Ryan Shadle (Cincinnati State Technical and Community College)
Treasurer: Heather Howley (University of Akron-Wayne College)
At-Large Member – Private Institutions: Juan Santamarina (University of Dayton)
At-Large Member – Public or Private: Anita Waters (Denison University)
Despite the fact that there are no contested positions, there will be an electronic ballot mailed to each member in good standing to vote in these elections. A third party, independent vendor called BallotBox Online will be conducting the elections. The voting window will be March 1 through March 15. You will receive an e-mail from BallotBox with a personalized link to log-in.
Chapters with 100 members or more will be electing their own Conference Trustee at the chapter level. These chapters include: Akron, Bowling Green, Central State, Cincinnati, Cincinnati State, Cleveland State, Cuyahoga Community College, Kent State, Ohio State, Toledo, and Wright State.
The first meeting of the newly-elected Board will be at the Annual Meeting, April 11-12 in Columbus. See below for more details about the Annual Meeting.
The 2014 Ohio Conference AAUP Annual Meeting will be held in conjunction with the Collective Bargaining Congress (CBC) Midwest Regional Meeting, Friday, April 11 through Saturday, April 12 at the Renaissance Columbus Downtown Hotel.
As in years previous, the Annual Meeting will begin with a reception and dinner on Fridayevening, and we will have a short business meeting on Saturday morning. Following the Conference’s business meeting, the CBC portion of the weekend will begin, which will include a short business meeting followed by a series of workshops.
There will be workshops of benefit to both collective bargaining and advocacy members.
Please note that during the business portion of the Conference meeting, there will be a vote to dissolve the Conference’s 501(c)(3) tax entity. As we have reported in previous communications, the Conference initiated a new 501(c)(6) entity so that we are not limited in the advocacy work we engage in on behalf of our members. An online registration has been set-up by National AAUP, which you can access by clicking here. Registration is only $25.
A block of guest rooms has been reserved for that Friday and Saturday night at a special rate of $115/night. Reservations must be made by Friday, March 14 in order to receive the reduced rate. While you may still be able to reserve a room after March 14, it will be at the regular hotel rate, which is significantly higher.
To make your hotel reservation online, click here.
You can also reserve your room by calling toll-free at (877) 901-6632 or locally at (614) 228-5050. You must mention that you are with the “Ohio Conference AAUP Annual Meeting” to receive the special rate. For additional details, including a preliminary agenda and scheduled speakers, visit our events page.