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Full-Time Faculty Workload Provision Removed from State Budget Bill; Register for the Campaign for the Future of Higher Education meeting in Columbus, OH!

Full-Time Faculty Workload Provision Removed from State Budget Bill

 On Tuesday, the Ohio House of Representatives released Substitute House Bill 59 – the revised state budget bill. The provision in the original bill that would have required universities to increase workload for full-time faculty by one additional course from the previous academic year, if the university revised or created a workload policy, was removed from the bill.

Taking its place is the following, innocuous language:

The boards of trustees of state institutions of higher education shall ensure that faculty members devote a proper and judicious part of their work week to the actual instruction of students. Total class credit hours of production per academic term per full-time faculty member is expected to meet the standards set forth in the budget data submitted by the Chancellor of the Board of Regents. The Ohio Conference AAUP will continue to monitor the budget bill to ensure that this provision is not reinstated in the Ohio Senate. 
Thank you to our members who took the time to contact Representatives on the Higher Education Subcommittee to lobby them on this issue.
In addition, we must recognize Ohio Conference AAUP President John McNay for his testimony to the subcommittee, as well as his letter to the editor that appeared in last Saturday’s Columbus Dispatch.    

April 19: Deadline to Reserve Hotel Rooms  for Campaign for the Future of  Higher Education Meeting 
Next Friday, April 19 is the deadline to reserve hotel rooms to attend the Campaign for the Future of Higher Education (CFHE) meeting in Columbus, Ohio.

The meeting will be held from 6pm on Friday, May 17 through 12pm on Sunday, May 19 at the Columbus Airport Marriott.  

You can visit the Columbus Airport Marriott website and use Group Code CFECFEA to make a reservation.  You also can call the hotel at 800-491-5717 or 614-475-7551 and tell them you are with the CFHE meeting.  

Rooms have been discounted at a rate of $119/night. There is free parking at the hotel.

*Please do not wait to make your reservation, as the hotel is going to be sold out that weekend.*

At this meeting, attendees will be discussing ways to:Foster community engagement and support for public higher educationProvide alternatives to the “new normal” of inadequate funding for higher educationDevelop effective strategies for improving funding for higher educationIdentify online education principles that provide meaningful access to quality higher educationRegistration fee for the conference is $50.  Checks should be made payable to “Ohio Conference AAUP” and mailed to Ohio Conference AAUP, 137 East State Street, Columbus, OH 43215. 
The meeting registration deadline is May 1. 
To register, please send an email with the subject “CFHE May Meeting Registration” to with the following information:Full name;email address;dates you plan to attend, and;organizational affiliation.We hope to see you in Columbus for another great CFHE meeting!

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