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Early Voting in Ohio Begins; Vote YES on ISSUE 2!

Early Voting Starts Today in Ohio (and other important dates) 

Early voting begins in Ohio today, Tuesday, October 2. Early voting is a great way to make sure nothing stands between you and voting – you can vote in-person at your county Board of Elections office or request a vote-by-mail ballot.

Next Tuesday, October 9, is the last day Ohioans can register to vote. Check your registration status on the Ohio Secretary of State’s website. If you need to update your registration because you changed your name or address, you can use this online form for that, too.

If you are not registered, complete a registration form. Access an online voter registration form.  Fill in the required information, sign, and mail.

Once you’ve verified your registration, you can request a Vote-By-Mail ballot through the Ohio Secretary of State’s website. Voting early allows you to skip the lines (and takes you off most candidate’s phone and mailings lists).

October 2-9 is known as “Golden Week,” in which citizens can register to vote and cast their ballot at the same time at their county Board of Elections. Take advantage of this opportunity if you still need to register! 

With over a month to cast your ballot, there is no excuse not to vote!  Make your voice heard! This Year It’s YES on ISSUE 2!

Have you removed last year’s bumper sticker yet? Because this year it’s YES on ISSUE 2!

Issue 2 is the Voters First constitutional amendment to change Ohio’s redistricting system. By voting YES on 2, you will be voting to restore fairness to Ohio’s electoral system. 

The current redistricting system is rigged in favor of the party in power and special interests. Politicians get to draw their own district lines and insulate themselves from having to be accountable to the people.

This is why we see divisive legislation like SB 5; and unless we fundamentally change the system, we will see other anti-union and anti-education bills be put forth in the legislature.

In an endorsement of Issue 2, the Toledo Blade editorial board wrote:

“The reform proposal merits a strong YES vote…The political imbalance created by the current mapping process encourages partisan and ideological extremism, promotes gridlock, protects entrenched incumbents unfairly, and diminishes competitive elections and fair representation. This isn’t a partisan issue.” 

To see the entire article, click here.

Later this week, the Ohio Conference is sending YES on 2 bumper stickers and buttons to our Chapters throughout the state. Your Chapter will likely send out a notice when the materials have arrived and indicate where they can be picked up or how they will be distributed.

Please visit the “YES on ISSUE 2 Toolkit” on our website for more information, including printable flyers and talking points.

Don’t Miss Out on the CBC Midwest Regional Meeting on Saturday, October 13   
The AAUP-Collective Bargaining Congress (CBC) will be holding a midwest regional meeting on Saturday, October 13, 2012 at The Dearborn Inn, Dearborn, Michigan. All members of the AAUP are encouraged to attend.As the meeting is scheduled three weeks prior to the 2012 elections, emphasis will be placed on strategies that members can take to assist candidates who support higher education issues.Mark Brewer, Chair of the Michigan Democratic Party, will be the luncheon speaker. The meeting will also include successful bargaining strategies and recent negotiation gains throughout the Midwest.  The full program can be found by clicking here.To be taken directly to the registration page, click here. Registration is only $25. Cut off date for the special rate for overnight accommodations at The Dearborn Inn has passed, but you may still be able to get a room. Use the following link: The Dearborn Inn reservations.   

 Ohio Conference AAUP Communications Committee

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