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Call for Nominations for the 2013 Ohio Conference Elections

Call for Nominations for the 
2013 Ohio Conference Elections

To Our AAUP Colleagues in the Ohio Conference:

With this notice to members and chapter officers, the OCAAUP Nominations Committee is calling for nominations for five (5) Ohio Conference Board positions. Nominations should be e-mailed to

Please be advised that you may receive an additional notice from National AAUP. 

To help ensure we have a robust slate of candidates, please circulate this notice to your best and brightest who might be looking for an opportunity to serve the state conference.

The Executive Board positions to be elected in 2013 are: 

  • Vice President
  • Treasurer
  • At-Large Member – Public Institutions
  • At-Large Member – Public or Private 
  • Chair of Committee on Private Institutions

The terms of office for each position are noted in the footnote section of this e-mail.  The expectations of the Board Member elected as Vice President include serving as a delegate to the National AAUP Annual Meeting and the Assembly of State Conferences (ASC) Annual Meeting. The Board member elected as Treasurer also serves as a delegate to the ASC Meeting.

Nominations must be received by Sara Kilpatrick, Executive Director of the Ohio Conference AAUP, via email at no later than January 20, 2013.  

Additionally, candidates must accept nomination by submitting a written acceptance, which is due at the same time as the nomination (see the form at the very bottom of this message).  Any AAUP member from Ohio who is in good standing is eligible to nominate candidates and/or run for office.

After the close of nominations, ballots shall be sent via mail or e-mail to Conference members in good standing by March 15. Completed ballots must be returned by mail or electronically no later than April 15.  Write-in votes shall not be permitted. Results shall be announced no later than May 15.

Footnotes: Per the Ohio Conference Code of Regulations: “The voting members of the Board of Trustees of the Ohio Conference shall be the President, the Vice-President, the Secretary, the Treasurer, the immediate past President, any member from the State of Ohio then serving on the AAUP National Council or Executive Committee, an At-Large Member from a Private Institution, an At-Large Member from a Public Institution, an At-Large Member from either Private or Public Institution, and the Chairs of the Committees on Organizing, Private Institutions, and Two Year Institutions.   All voting positions on the Board of Trustees shall be elected. 

The Chairs of the Committees on Academic Freedom and Tenure and Government Relations shall be non-voting, ex-officio members of the Board of Trustees.  They shall be appointed by the President with the approval of the Trustees. All voting Board of Trustees positions, except for National Council or National Executive Committee members and immediate past President, shall be elected for two-year terms. 

For purposes of serving terms of office on the Board of Trustees, the year shall run from September 1 through August 31. Trustees who are National Council members or members of the National Executive Committee shall serve on the Board of Trustees as long as they hold their National positions. The immediate past President shall continue to serve on the Board for one year past the end of his/her term as President.  The Chairs of the Committees on Academic Freedom and Tenure and Government Relations shall serve at the will of the President and the Trustees.”  


Consent Form


I, ___(your name)___, from __(your institution)___, confirm that I am a member of the AAUP in good standing, and I am willing to stand for election to the office of __(the office you are seeking)__ of the Ohio State Conference AAUP.

____________           ___________         ___________
 Printed Name              Signature                     Date

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