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Call for Nominations for 2014 OCAAUP Board of Trustees Elections

To our members in the Ohio Conference AAUP:  We are now seeking nominations for the 2014 Ohio Conference elections.  In accordance with our governing documents, you must have been a member for two years and current on your dues to be eligible for a Trustee position.

Nominations should be sent to Executive Director Sara Kilpatrick at and must be received by January 30, 2014.  

As you may recall from previous communications, OCAAUP has been undergoing a change in tax status from a 501(c)(3) organization to a 501(c)(6) organization, so that we can engage in public and government advocacy efforts without the limitations imposed by 501(c)(3) rules.  As a result, our 2014 elections will usher in an entirely new Executive Board of Trustees for our 501(c)(6) entity. In order to keep terms staggered, though, some Trustees will serve full two-year terms, while others will serve just one year. All future elections will be for full two-years terms.

Below is the list of positions that will be elected directly through the Conference elections next year: 

President(two-year term)

Vice President(one-year term)

Secretary(two-year term)
Treasurer(one-year term)

At-Large Member – Private Institutions(two-year term)

At-Large Member – Public or Private(one-year term; nominees may be members of chapters at private institutions or of chapters at public institutions with fewer than 100 members)  

Chapters with 100 members or more will be electing their own Conference Trustee at the chapter level. These chapters include: Akron, Bowling Green, Central State, Cincinnati, Cincinnati State, Cleveland State, Cuyahoga Community College, Kent State, Toledo, and Wright State.  

Another big change with the 2014 Conference elections is that they will no longer be run with National AAUP’s ballot. We will conduct elections via an electronic ballot that will be handled by a third party vendor.  Serving on the OCAAUP Board of Trustees is a rewarding way to engage in statewide AAUP issues and state government advocacy.

If you have any questions, contact Sara Kilpatrick at

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