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Annual Meeting Deadlines & Important Voting Information

Deadlines Approaching for 2016 Annual Meeting

OCAAUP’s 66th Annual Meeting will be held November 4-5, 2016 at the Renaissance Columbus Downtown Hotel. 

Join us for discussion about what is occurring on Ohio campuses, hear about OCAAUP’s activities and accomplishments over the last year, and network with colleagues from across the state.

This year’s keynote luncheon address, “All That Glitters is Not Gold: A Closer Look at Public Hedge Fund Investments,” will be given by Elizabeth Parisian of Hedge Clippers.

Hedge Clippers is a group that works to expose public investments in hedge funds, which often charge higher fees and produce lower returns than index funds. In addition, hedge fund billionaires frequently use their profits to fund anti-worker initiatives. Hedge Clippers brings attention to these issues in order to encourage public entities (including pension funds and university endowments) to divest from hedge funds. 

You may register online via this event registration page. The complete agenda can be found here

Please note that in order to get the significantly discounted block room rate, hotel reservations must be made by October 4. However, registrations will be accepted through October 26. 

Registration is only $25. All attendees will receive an Ohio AAUP t-shirt. We hope to see you in November! 

Notice of Proposed Changes to Code of Regulations

During the business portion of the Annual Meeting, delegates will be asked to consider changes to OCAAUP’s Code of Regulations – what we call our constitution and by-laws. 

The changes would affect Article VIII of the Code, which is the section on Standing Committees. You can view the proposed changes via this link. As you will see, the proposal is primarily a “clean-up” of that section, which is intended to better reflect how the Conference functions and provide more flexibility. 

A note about voting rights at the Annual Meeting:

Per Article VI of the Code of Regulations: 

With the exception of elections, voting shall be by delegates of the AAUP chapters in the State of Ohio present at the Conference meeting. Chapters with 7-150 members shall have one vote; chapters with 151 to 300 members shall have two votes; and chapters with more than 300 members shall have three votes.

For purposes of representation, each AAUP member at an institution of higher education in Ohio at which there is no chartered AAUP chapter shall be entitled to be a member of  a single statewide chapter, called the State Chapter. This State Chapter may nominate and elect officers, who shall in turn provide for the nomination and election of delegates to the Ohio Conference.

Important Voting Information

We reported to you in our last e-mail that many Ohioans had been purged from the voter rolls. Last week, a court ruled that Secretary of State Jon Husted acted too aggressively in his removal of voters. 

Nevertheless, because this lawsuit is still being kicked around the court system, we urge you to check to make sure you are registered at your current address by visiting this website.

If the address listed for you is outdated, you can update it online via this link.   

If you need to register, click here. Download the voter registration form, fill it out, and mail it to your county board of elections.

Important 2016 Election Dates & Deadlines:

October 11: Voter Registration Deadline
November 5: Deadline for Board of Elections to receive Absentee Ballots by mail (must be received by noon)
November 8: Election Day; Absentee Ballots can be turned in to Board of Elections in person by close of polls

For more excellent voting resources, please see the Ohio voting guide from our partner, Fair Elections Legal Network.

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