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SB 83 Stalls Again

Yesterday, Ohio House Speaker Jason Stephens told reporters that a number of bills, including SB 83, would not make it to the House floor for a vote during the remainder of this calendar year.

As we reported to you last week, SB 83 had passed the House Higher Education Committee by a vote of 8-7, which means that the Speaker could bring it to the floor for a vote at any time. However, Speaker Stephens decided that SB 83 would not be among the many bills to be voted upon during today’s final House session date for 2023.

The Speaker said that members of his caucus need more time to consider the changes that have been made to the bill. As the ultimate gatekeeper, Speaker Stephens has the authority to decide whether SB 83 ever receives a full House vote. He can hold the bill indefinitely in the Rules and Reference Committee (where bills go after passing committee and before going to the House floor) or even re-refer it to another standing committee for further consideration.

Even though we will have a reprieve on any potential SB 83 action until mid to late January when the House is back in session, we must continue to keep up the pressure.

Please take a few moments to contact Speaker Stephens and the entire House Republican leadership team to thank them for their careful consideration of SB 83, and ask them to stand strong for students, labor, and quality higher education by opposing SB 83:

House Speaker Jason Stephens (R), House District 93

Phone: (614) 466-1366


Speaker Pro Tem Scott Oelslager (R), House District 48

Phone: (614) 752-2438


Majority Floor Leader Bill Seitz (R), House District 30

Phone: (614) 466-8258


Assistant Majority Floor Leader Jon Cross (R), House District 83

Phone: (614) 466-3819


Majority Whip Jim Hoops (R), House District 81

Phone: (614) 466-3760


Assistant Majority Whip Sharon Ray (R), House District 66

Phone: (614) 466-8140


SB 83 remains a deeply anti-academic freedom, anti-tenure, and anti-union bill that will hurt educational quality and exacerbate Ohio’s “brain drain” problem. Our united opposition to the bill with many organizations and individuals across the political spectrum has clearly continued to have an impact. As always, we thank you for your persistence throughout this process, and we hope that you have a relaxing holiday season!

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We did it again. SB 83 is stalled again.


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