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**SB 83/HB 151 Actions This Week**

Wednesday, May 17 at the Statehouse

-9:30 am (North Hearing Room, 2nd Floor)
Sub. SB 83 final hearing (written testimony only)

-10:30 am (Room 017, Ground Floor)
Sub. HB 151 hearing (in-person and written testimony)

-1:30 pm (Senate Chambers)
Senate session, possible vote on Sub. SB 83

What actions can you take?

1) Submit written testimony on Sub. SB 83

You must email the written testimony and your completed witness slip to the chair’s office at no later than Tuesday, May 16 at 9:30 am (testimony must be received 24 hours in advance of the hearing).

Witness Slip
Testimony Template

2) Submit testimony on Sub. HB 151

If you are submitting testimony–whether written-only or you plan to testify in-person–you must email the testimony and your completed witness slip to the chair’s office at no later than Tuesday, May 16 at 10:30 am (testimony must be received 24 hours in advance of the hearing).

Witness Slip
Testimony Template

In-person witnesses will be limited to five minutes of testimony, and the hearing will have a hard stop at 1:00 pm. Please don’t let that deter you from showing up and being ready to give testimony!

3) Show up to the Statehouse on Wednesday!

We need to have a strong showing at the Statehouse for the following events on Wednesday:

-Sub. SB 83 Senate hearing (9:30 am, North Hearing Room–the committee is likely to favorably report the bill)
-Sub. HB 151 House hearing (10:30 am, Room 017)
-Senate session (1:30 pm, Senate Chambers–the full Senate is likely to vote on Sub. SB 83)

We will have stickers with the graphic in this article to hand out to people to wear into committee rooms and Senate session. Plan to arrive early in Columbus to give yourself enough time to find parking, go through Statehouse security, and make your way to the hearing room.

4) Call Senators on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday

Since there is the impending vote on Sub. SB 83 this week, we want to focus phone calls on Republican Senators.

Call them with a simple message, such as: “Hello, I am calling to ask Senator [Senator’s last name] to vote against Senate Bill 83 this week. This is a terrible bill that will undermine quality higher education for Ohio’s students. This is also the largest attack on union rights since Senate Bill 5 in 2011. SB 83 should be stopped.”

President Matt Huffman: 614-466-7584

Sen. Jerry Cirino:614-644-7718

Sen. Michael Rulli: 614-466-8285

Sen. Bill Reineke: 614-466-8049

Sen. Michele Reynolds: 614-466-8064

Sen. Rob McColley: 614-466-8150

Sen. Theresa Gavarone: 614-466-8060

Sen. George Lang: 614-466-8072

Sen. Niraj Antani: 614-466-4538

Sen. Steve Wilson: 614-466-9737

Sen. Louis Blessing: 614-466-8068

Sen. Bob Hacket: 614-466-3780

Sen. Nathan Manning: 614-644-7613

Sen. Terry Johnson: 614-466-8082

Sen. Stephanie Kunze: 614-466-5981

Sen. Shane Wilkin: 614-466-8156

Sen. Andrew Brenner: 614-466-8086

Sen. Tim Schaffer: 614-466-8076

Sen. Mark Romanchuk: 614-466-7505

Sen. Matt Dolan: 614-466-8056

Sen. Kirstina Roegner: 614-466-4823

Sen. Kirk Schuring: 614-466-0626

Sen. Frank Hoagland: 614-466-6508

Sen. Al Landis: 614-466-5838

Sen. Sandra O’Brien: 614-466-7182

Sen. Steve Huffman: 614-466-6247

You will either speak to an aide or have to leave a voice message. Keep it short and courteous.

Now is the time to take action and encourage everyone you know to take action! Thank you for all that you are doing to push back on these bills. If you have questions, reply to this email.

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