American Association of University Professors
President, Secretary, At-Large Position to be elected
We are now seeking nominations for the 2020 Ohio Conference AAUP Board of Trustees’ elections. In accordance with our governing document, you must have been a member for at least two years and current on your dues to be eligible for a trustee position.
Nominations should be sent to Sara Kilpatrick, Executive Director, at no later than January 31, 2020.
Below are the positions to be elected directly through the Conference elections this year. Those who are elected will serve a two-year term beginning September 1, 2020.
The President shall preside at Conference meetings and, with the approval of the Trustees, arrange for the Conference meetings and appoint Chairs of the standing committees; shall execute such matters as are referred to him or her at Conference meetings and by the Trustees; and, in consultation with the Trustees, shall take such other actions as are judged necessary to carry out the objectives of the Ohio Conference, and shall report at the next Conference meeting any actions taken by the Trustees during the time between meetings. The President shall serve as delegate to the Biennial National AAUP meeting.
The Secretary shall keep the Ohio Conference records, including minutes of meetings of the Trustees and of the Conference.
The Conference has four Saturday Board meetings in Columbus each academic year that trustees are expected to attend, one of which is the Annual Meeting. They also oversee the executive director and provide direction for the organization.
Serving on the Board of Trustees is a rewarding way to engage in statewide AAUP issues and state government advocacy. If you have any questions, contact Sara Kilpatrick at