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12.7.22 Updates: Support Miami Faculty, Columbus Teachers/Staff; Legislative Updates & Dec. 13 Rally

Sign the Petition to Support Miami University of Ohio Faculty

*Petition to support Miami University faculty.*

More than six months ago, faculty organizers from Miami University of Ohio submitted a strong majority of signed cards to the State Employment Relations Board (SERB) to file for a union election.

Given the large number of cards that were delivered, which signaled strong support for a union, the Miami University board of trustees and administration could have chosen to voluntarily recognize the union. Instead, they have expended student tuition and taxpayer dollars to fight the faculty every step of the way.

Most recently, the university leaders are challenging the proposed composition of the faculty’s bargaining unit, contending that tenure-line, non-tenure-line, and librarians do not belong in a single union, despite the fact that there is precedent for such inclusive unions in Ohio. This is merely a tactic to delay the vote while they attempt to divide the faculty.

On December 12 and 13, SERB will be deciding on the issue of bargaining unit composition. The Faculty Alliance of Miami (FAM) is asking the Miami board and administration to withdraw their objections ahead of these hearings and allow faculty to move forward with a democratic vote on unionization.

Please sign and share this petition calling on Miami University to drop their costly legal challenges and allow this vote to proceed without further delay. Thank you in advance for your support!

Support Teachers at KIPP Columbus

Our colleagues at the Ohio Federation of Teachers (OFT/AFT), who have been steadfast in their support of Miami AAUP’s unionization efforts, have asked for our support and solidarity in their efforts to unionize teachers and staff at KIPP Columbus.

Just like the circumstances at Miami, the KIPP Columbus board of directors are attempting to delay and block these workers’ democratic right to vote on a union.

Please show your support by signing this petition.

Lame Duck Session & December 13 Rally

As usual, the Ohio General Assembly’s lame duck session has brought about a flurry of legislative activity late in the year.

Of particular concern are two bills that would thwart citizen participation in the democratic process: House Bill 294 and House Joint Resolution 6.

HB 294, which would limit dropbox availability and reduces time set aside for early voting, is being watched closely for a possible amendment to add a strict photo ID requirement for Ohio voters. The Chair is refusing to allow all testimony, limiting remarks to just 10 supporters and 10 opponents. The bill is scheduled to get a vote out of the Government Oversight Committee on Wednesday, December 7.

Also in Government Oversight, HJR 6, the new proposal to make it harder for voters to pass a constitutional amendment, all parties are invited to testify at the bill’s second hearing–an unusual step signifying lawmakers are in a rush to move the bill. No agenda has been released for Thursday’s hearing of the same committee, but it’s not out of the question for HJR 6 to be voted out of committee after just three hearings and one opportunity for public testimony.

In order to be placed before voters in a May special election, HJR 6 needs to pick up 60 votes in support. With 63 sitting Republican House members and one vacant seat, bill supporters can’t afford to lose more than 4 members to the “no” side. Therefore, it’s critical that lawmakers hear from constituents in opposition to this proposal – you can use this letter-writing tool to contact your lawmakers to oppose HJR 6.

On Tuesday, December 13 at 11:15 am in Columbus, there will be a rally to oppose HJR 6. Click here for more details and to RSVP for this event.

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